A very happy house made its debut in Brooklyn at the end of September 2019. The house, which is scheduled for demolition, was painted in black and yellow by the NYC-based artist Hunter Potter, featuring hundreds of happy faces. The project titled: Happy To Be Here, is a result of a productive collaboration between the Deli Grocery Gallery, a local real estate company, Cycamore, and the artist. It took Hunter about 250 hours to paint the entire house. When the Happy exhibit was finally ready and open to the public it got so much attention that the real estate company decided to postpone the demolition.
‘Happy To Be Here‘ is located on 6 Saint Nicholas Avenue, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY. It is easy to spot, as there are many people coming in and out of the house. On Friday, October 4th, 2019, between 3 pm and 6 pm, it will be your last chance to see this extra-fun exhibit in real life before it is permanently demolished. Inside the house, there are two floors and you are welcome to visit them both. The first floor also features 9 happy faces that are up for sale, ranging in price from $300 to $2,500.
Visiting the ‘Happy To Be Here‘ house is completely free. You have one day only to visit, Friday, October 4, 2019. If you are going to visit, make sure you save some time to see the Bushwick Collective, one of the best street art galleries in NYC. To get there, just take the L train to Jefferson Street and you are practically there.