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100 Days – 100 NYC Streets


It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Silvie Bonne 100 days project. During the spring of 2019, Silvie decided to start a 100 days project covering NYC from 1st Street to 100th Street, walking and photographing each street all the way from the east end to west end. Overall, covering 600,000 steps, which are about 350 km / 217 miles, and more than 2,000 photos of NYC streets.

Kiara and I joined her journey every 10 streets, and together we walked through blooming magnolias, heavy drops of rain and overheating sun. To me, 10th Street was the most charming one to discover. Here are some of our highlights from this lovely and heartwarming city adventure.

Day 1 – First day of the 100-day project


Collection of photos from the first 4 streets

Day 10 – 10th Street

This was the first time I joined Silvie’s project. The highlight of this street was Grace Church and its blooming trees. We were happy to discover that the garden was open to visitors and we made the most out of this event with multiple photos and a live video, all attached below.


Live video from 10th Street

Day 14 – 14th Street


Day 20 – 20th Street

Okay, here we made a little detour to see the Flatiron Building with the cherry blossom. As the cherry blossom peak is very fragile, it’s important to catch it at the right moment so we did.

Live video from 20th Street

Collections of photos from the first 20 streets

Day 30 – 30th Street

Day 40 – 40th Street

Day 50 – 50th Street

Day 60 – 60th Street


Live video from 60th Street

Day 70 – 70th Street


Day 80 – 80th Street


Day 90 – 90th Street


Day 100 – 100th Street Celebration

On August 12th we walked the last street, Street 100, of this amazing project. Silvie, it was such a pleasure exploring the streets of NYC with you! Congratulations on finishing this tedious task. I look forward to your next project and to our next adventure together.


Thank you for joining our NYC journey, you are welcome to follow Silvie on Facebook, Instagram or her Blog.